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The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) is a European centre of excellence
in assessment, research and sustainable use of Earth resources. Our
mission is to produce and disseminate geological information for industry
and society that promotes systematic and sustainable use of crustal
resources and the national geological endowment.
ExplorE Finland
Geological Survey of Finland
P.O.Box 96, Fl-02151 Espoo, Finland, Tel. +358 (0) 29 503 0000
Räjähdealan asiantuntija
Sodankylä is at the heart of
a growing mining industry
in Central Lapland
he opening of the Kevitsa mine has given a
new boost to the development of the munici-
pality, as well as creating hope for the future.
The mine directly employs more than 600 lo-
cal people, as well as indirectly contributing
to the vitality of the region, and increasing
demand for services.
Kevitsa is certainly not the only mine in Sodankylä,
the Pahtavaara gold mine has been in business since
the 1990’s . Sodankylä and the whole of the Central Lap-
land region, is known to be a rich ore area. A number of
companies are actively investigating the ore potential of
the region, the most well known of these is the Sakatti
exploration project.
The increase in mining activity in Sodankylä has re-
sulted in it becoming the mining centre of Central Lap-
land. The municipality also has a number of service com-
panies, including KP Service o
Expanding economic activity has lead to an increase in
population – in 2013, Sodankylä municipality grew more
and had lower levels of unemployemnt than anywhere
else in Lapland. 170 new families have moved to the mu-
nicipality so far this year.
Sodankylä municipality has heavily invested in the de-
velopment of services at an urban level. Recreational fa-
cilities have been improved, including the construction of
a new sports hall and walking trails in and around Sodan-
kylä village. The increasing need for day care has lead to
the establishment of a new day-care centre, with future
provision planned for care around the clock care. The
municipality supports local business and professional
activities in land use planning, as well as offering advice.
Mining and exploration is an international activity, and
dozens of famlies have moved to Sodankylä from abroad.
As a result, a class will be set up for them entirely in Eng-
lish from the end of primary school.
Sodankylä municipality will be represented at FEM, so
welcome to our booth to discuss and explore more of So-
dankylä opportunities and services.
Mayor of Sodankyl